Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Lent 2016, Day 21: March 1 (Luke 11:27-52)

As we walk alongside Luke in following Jesus, so many things are happening – so many wonderful things – that it’s hard to remember and focus on the fact that Jesus is traveling to Jerusalem specifically to die. As he follows the trail mapped out by His disciple-scouts, He continues to heal, cast out demons, and preach the Kingdom of God – checking off items on a prophetic To-Do List. These things are drawing larger and larger crowds, all of whom are eagerly clamoring for something in exchange for nothing.

Jesus has done many incredible things. From turning water into wine to raising the dead, He has thrown down some serious credentials for anyone who cares to examine them. The Jews, however, are not impressed. They seek a cosmic sign.

“Make the sun rise at midnight,” they demand, “hold the moon in your hand!”

But Jesus knows that doing so would violate God’s laws of physics (number one) and (number two) would not satisfy them anyway. He has already told them that the men of Sodom will rise up and testify against their cities because of their refusal to repent. Now He adds insult to injury by recalling God’s grace to the Ninevites (who worshiped the god of the sun) and the Queen of Sheba (who worshiped the god of the moon).

The Jews grind their teeth as Jesus explains how the Gentiles (heathens!) recognized their own need for the true light of God without any extraneous poking or prodding (blasphemy!). “In fact,” He points out, “they sought out the wisdom of God for its own sake on their own initiative.”

What does your eye prize? Jesus asks them. What brings delight to your eye? Are you seeking the wisdom of God? Are you looking for – living in – the true light of God? If you are, then your eye is healthy. If you're focused on what is good and pure, your whole body will be full of light and life. And you, like a burning bush on a hill, will shine and draw others to the light.

But make no mistake. If you refuse the true light of God, if your eye is fixed on finding fault in others or searching out signs that will not be given, your eye will be bad and your body will be full of darkness. And you, like a waterless cloud, will be carried along by the wind.

You want a sign? Jesus says. No sign will be given. No, I take that back. No sign will be given except that of Jonah. But I doubt that you will recognize it. Out of darkness, light will shine. Will you even been looking in the right direction?

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