The news media have seized onto yet another carefully crafted soundbite from Sarah Palin and her pack of sled dog groomers. I suppose that since the assassination of Osama Bin Laden (there, I said it), it's been a pretty slow news week (in Osama's defense he was trying to honor his Mother and every Mother's advice; he wasn't reaching for a gun when he was shot, he was trying to find a clean pair of underwear).
Anyhoo, the Palindrome has announced that she has "a fire in her belly" for running for President.
What? They don't sell Prilosec up north? Being so homespun and "down to earth", surely she knows the medicinal benefits of buttermilk? Someone needs to put that fire out and fast. While a woman's place is definitely in government, a society's place is not behind 30-foot-high walls designed to keep out anyone and anything that is not white, chromosonally heterosexual and brainwashed to subconsciously emulate and revere Joe McCarthy.
More importantly, our economy--and ourselves--cannot afford to thumb our noses at the rest of the world. Had FDR not abandoned the prevailing policy of isolation under the cover of fighting evil this country would have not enjoyed the highest standard of living in our history.
Returning to an unwarranted attitude of supremacy and "go eff yourself" jingoism would be the greatest evil and self-inflicted injury we could possibly do. Unless, of course, we were to elect a candidate who admires the name and self-serving accomplishments of anyone named "Bush." Except for Barbara. It took courage, humor and class to kick Millie in the groin for so diligently cleaning herself on live national television while Sam Donaldson surreptitiously adjusted his toupee and giggled.